This is a little applet I created to play with generating images of the
Mandelbrot set.
To do:
- Test to make sure it work on Windows. (A previous version was Mac-only.
I've since recompiled it against JDK 1.1.7, so it should run even on Microsoft's
very out-of-date version of the Java runtime environment, but I haven't had
a chance to test it to make sure. If the applet doesn't run, you can at least
view screenshots here.)
- rendering of Julia sets
- delegating some of the processing to the server?
Already done:
- algorithm optimizations (Mariani/Silver method)
- zooming and scrolling
- fixed zoom so it zooms to center rather than to the upper-left corner
- added a cacheing algorithm, reducing the number of calculations needed when
zooming and scrolling
- added variable resolution and variable shading